From the Pastor's Heart,
May 2022
The special business meeting scheduled for today has been postponed to Sunday, May 29th. The reason we postponed the meeting is that the direction of the church is about to change. Eccl 3:1 says: “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”
Theresa and I have been joyfully serving here at Rima Ridge since December of 2005. We were called by this church by a 100% vote and accepted that call. Over the years I have been asked how long I planned on staying. My answer was always that the Lord would have to let me know when that date would come. Something like that would have to come from Him. Well, that time has come.
I am hereby officially announcing my retirement from fulltime ministry, effective August 28, 2022. I am not going to another pastorate, nor have I been asked to leave. I am not offended and there is nothing wrong. The time has simply come for me as well as Theresa to move on and seek the Lord’s direction as to what He has for us next. In the mean time I will continue to serve as your pastor until the 28h of August. Including a wedding for a special couple on July 9th.
I know that this a shock for many of you but it is something that didn’t come without a lot of soul searching, sleepless nights, personal prayer, fasting, counsel from other pastors and leaders and talking to my family. When the Lord directs you to do something you need to follow that direction. No, I don’t know all of the details of what is to come in the future, but I am persuaded that “God’s Got This.” Not just for myself and Theresa but for our church as well.
According to the church bylaws, the Deacons (who have been informed of my decision) are responsible for nominating 5 members and 2 alternates to serve on a Pastor Search Committee. The nominees will be voted on by the church at the Special Business Meeting two weeks from today, on Sunday, May 29th. Once we have elected a Pastor Search Committee, the members of that committee will seek out a suitable pastor to recommend to the church.
What can each of you do? Pray.
Pray for us as we seek the Lord’s Will. Pray for the church and for the Lord to send the right man for the position of Senior Pastor. Pray for that man and his family now, even though you don’t know who he is because God knows. Pray and support the Pastor Search Committee as they pray for the Lord’s will and search for the one that the Lord is leading to our church.
Support and pray for the deacons as they lead the church during this time.
Support the missions of the church, for I believe that missions is one, if not the most important ministries of the church.
Be faithful to support the church with your continued attendance and giving. There is still a great work that needs to be done here at the corner of Cone Road and Rt. 40.
Please don’t ask us 1000 questions. The answer you are seeking is simply that I have been serving in the ministry over 35 years and the time has come to retire from full time ministry. We have no plans at this time to leave the area. We love you and will be praying for you daily. There will always be a special place for Rima Ridge Baptist Church in our hearts.
God Bless,
Proverbs 3:5-6