Rima Ridge Baptist's New Ministry:
Samaritan Ministries

Rima Ridge has recently taken on a new ministry: Samaritan Ministries, which helps local battered and abused women and their children. They provide food, clothing, shelter, mentoring, case management, spiritual guidance and training in the basics of finance, resumes, and car care. They also help the women get jobs and transition to permanent housing. The residents are required to attend a Bible-believing church and are taught the Gospel of Christ by the ministry staff.
The house we will support currently serves 4 women and 5 children. The ministry itself takes donations of food, toiletries, clothing, and various supplies. They also appreciate donations of time and work at the property, located in Bunnell. For more information you may visit their website: www.samaritanministriesflagler.org
Pastor Kevin and I visited the facility and met with Jeff & LaJuana McKay, who operate the ministry. We saw their heart for the Lord and believe this ministry is worthy of our support as it is a refuge of hope and healing for broken families and works to restore them both physically and spiritually.
Our church has adopted this ministry not only for this Christmas, but also for ongoing support. Adopting this ministry replaces our giving to local needs that we lost when we had to stop serving in the Good News Clubs.
Anyone wishing to donate gifts for Christmas may see the sign up sheets (in the church foyer) listing specific needs by name for the women and children. Also, there is a sheet with needs for the ministry itself. If you wish to give a monetary donation, write a separate check, payable to the church, and mark it "Samaritan Ministries."
We ask that all the gifts be in by Sunday, Dec 20th so we can get them there for Christmas.
Sue Christenson, Administrative Assistant, Media